OCTaxPAC State Watch

Taxes vs. Fees
The Orange County Taxpayers Association prefers fees to taxes. We like the fact that the users of a specific service, rather than the general public, pay for that service.
Fees are paid only by users of a service. Examples are toll roads, permits, licenses, public parking, small claims court and water bills. Motor vehicle fuel “taxes” which are spent on roads are actually fees. Motor vehicle fuel taxes that are diverted to general governmental services are true taxes.
Taxes are paid by the general public for general governmental services, provided for the general public’s benefit, and for which it is infeasible for the users of the services to pay. Examples are jails, police and fire protection, municipal and superior courts, voter registration and elections.
Proposition 4: $10billion Climate Bond : OPPOSE
Proposition 5: ACA1 Lower voter threshold to raise taxes: OPPOSE
Proposition 33: Rent Control: OPPOSE
Proposition 34: Healthcare Provider Spending Mandate: SUPPORT
Proposition 35: Medi-Cal Lockbox: SUPPORT
Proposition 36: Criminal Justice Reform: SUPPORT